EMBRAPA - Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation

Animals in Inventory of Species 'Apidae Apis mellifera'

Repository Number ID 1 ID 2

108350 TS01
108351 TS02
108355 TS03
108361 TS04
108363 TS05
108365 TS06
108366 LM01
108367 LM02
108368 LM03
108369 LM04
108370 LM05
108371 LM06
108372 JS01
108373 JS02
108374 JS03
108375 JS04
108376 JS05
108377 JS06
108386 DR01
108388 DR02
108389 DR03
108390 DR04
108391 DR05
108395 RM01
108397 RM02
108398 RM03
108399 RM04
108400 RM05
108402 RM06
108403 CH01
108404 CH02
108405 CH03
108406 CH04
108407 CH05
108409 CH06
108412 EMBRAPA
108413 Paraupeba
108414 CurionĂ³polis

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