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Information to Bring the World Together
                As animal genebanks are initiated, they all have the common need to manage information about their country's genetic resources. The U.S. had developed a first version of such a database and it became apparent there were needs for improvement. As the result of close collaborations already in place with Brazil, Canada, and the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy, it was decided to initiate a joint venture to develop the next version of the database. This is the first time 3 countries have become partners to build a common database for animal genetic resources (AnGR). We believe the platform being developed will also have utility for other countries that want to better manage their AnGR.

                The database can be viewed via public reports, providing real-time access to the database. The reports allow anyone to view the collection within each of the 3 countries and throughout the world. The reports are point & click, with no prior knowledge of the database required. AnGR management tools allow us to evaluate the genetic diversity collected and assess what needs to be added to the collection, compare countries' collections of the same breed and understand how they may be genetically similar or dissimilar, and develop tools that assist with in-situ conservation activities.
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