Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation

Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food Supply

Regen - Management of Genetic Resources for Food, Agriculture and Bioindustry

Animal-Germplasm Request

The following is how requests are processed:

  • Requestor submits the request form to EMBRAPA. (Requestor will receive confirmatopn email that request has been received)
  • The appropiate EMBRAPA Species Committee reviews the request and provides EMBRAPA with a recommendation.
  • EMBRAPA makes a determination concerning the release of the request material.
  • If approved, EMBRAPA will contact the requestor to make shippemnt arrangements.

If more than 20 animals are being requested, do not fill out the this form. Instead, send us an email with all information from the Requestor Identification block in the body of the message and attach a spreadsheet with the Repository Numbers, Germplasm Types, and Units requested to

Requestor Identification

All information in this block is required
Requestor Name
Country, City*
State, Postal Code

Germplasm Requested

The appropriate taxonomy level is required
I have a list of specific animals which I want

Germplasm Requested

All information about the germplasm is required

Number of Animals Germplasm Type Units
(per animal)

Complementary Information

Intended Use of Material - Project Description

Protocol for Material Use (general description, e.g. laproscopic or transcervical AI)

Type of information that requestor will provide on the material requested and the capacity to replenish material requested


Embrapa's Headquarter:
Parque Estação Biológica - PqEB. Brasília, DF - Brazil - Postcode 70770-901
Tel: +55 61 3448-4433 - Fax: +55 61 3448-4890 / 3448-4891