United States Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service
Boar Semen Collection, Transportation, Processing and Cryopreservation Protocol |
Prepare the semen extender (e.g. for Androhep Plus or Androstar mix 1 packet of powdered medium with 1 L of distilled/deionized water, Minitube, Verona, WI) and warm to 37 °C.
Collect the sperm-rich fraction of a boar semen sample using the hand-glove technique or a phantom mount and remove the gel fraction with sterile gauze or a semen filter.
Determine the sperm-rich ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, and the volume of the ejaculate that is needed:
sperm-rich ejaculate volume X sperm concentration = sperm count;
sperm count ÷ 45 billion sperm = sample volume needed by USDA.
Dilute the required sperm-rich fraction 1:1 (v:v) with 37 °C semen extender in a 37 °C beaker.
Aliquot the sample into 50 mL centrifuge tubes that are labeled with the name and identification number of the boar.
Cool the sample to 23 °C over 1 hour by placing it on the laboratory bench. The sample must be shielded from light during this time.
Further cool the sample over 1.5 hours by placing it in a 15 °C refrigerator and maintain it at this temperature prior to packaging for delivery. The samples are then at the appropriate temperature for overnight transportation to the repository.
Please see the Impact Shipper Protocol on the Animal GRIN webpage noting the specific temperatures for each species and type of tissue:
https://www.ars.usda.gov/plains-area/fort-collins-co/center-for-agricultural-resources- research/paagrpru/docs/animal/animal-protocols/
Semen processing:
Upon receipt, centrifuged the samples for 10 minutes at 800 x g at 15 °C. Remove the supernatant and combine the pelleted sperm by boar.
Determine the sperm concentration and motility using spectrophotometry and a Hamilton Thorne motility analyzer (Beverly, MA), respectively (at least 5 fields of analysis and 500 sperm) or microscopy and a hemocytometer.
Dilute the samples to 600 x 106 sperm/mL with 15 °C Beltsville Freezing Extender 5 (BF5) cooling extender (CE; see recipe below) and cool to 5 °C over 2 to 2.5 hours.
After cooling to 5 °C, dilute the samples drop-wise using 5 °C freezing extender (FE; see recipe below) over 5 minutes to 400 x 106 sperm/mL.
Load the samples into 0.5 mL CBS or wick and powder (aka French) straws and freeze them using:
a programmable freezer (e.g. Cryo Bio System Mini Digitcool UJ400, IMV Corporation, Minneapolis, MN) and the following curve: 5 ºC to -8 ºC at -20 ºC per minute, -8 ºC to - 120 ºC at -69 ºC per minute, -120 ºC to -140 ºC at -20 ºC per minute; OR
by placing the straws on a rack in liquid nitrogen vapor (4.5 cm above the liquid) for 10 min.
Plunge the samples into liquid nitrogen for storage.
Thaw samples for 20 seconds in a 50ºC water bath and evaluate motility as described previously.
Artificial insemination:
Perform standard intracervical insemination using 2 inseminations per sow or gilt and 1 x 109 motile sperm, per insemination. The semen sample should be diluted to a final volume of 80 mL in Beltsville Thawing Solution (Pursel and Johnson, 1975) per insemination dose.
Perform deep intrauterine insemination (1 insemination per sow or gilt; Martinez et al., 2001, Roca et al., 2003) using a dose containing 1 x 109 motile sperm diluted in Beltsville Thawing Solution as described previously. After insemination into the uterine horns, use an additional 2 mL of BTS to flush the insemination catheter of the residual insemination dose.
BF5 Recipes:
From Pursel and Johnson, 1975, J Anim Sci 40:1, 99-102
52 mM TES
16.5 mM Tris
178 mM D-glucose
20% Egg yolk, by volume
The CE should be centrifuged at 10000 x g for 25 minutes to remove egg yolk particles
The ingredients are by volume:
91.5% CE
6% Glycerol
2.5% Equex paste
Martinez, E.A., Vazquez, J.M., Roca, J., Lucas, X., Gil, M.A., Parrilla, I., Vazquez, J.L., Day,
B.N. Successful non-surgical deep intrauterine insemination with small numbers of spermatozoa in sows. Reproduction 122: 289-296.
Pursel, V.G., Johnson, L. A. 1975. Freezing of Boar Spermatozoa: Fertilizing Capacity with Concentrated Semen and a New Thawing Procedure. J. Anim. Sci. 40: 99–102. https://doi.org/10.2527/jas1975.40199x
Roca, J., Carvajal, G., Lucas, X., Vazquez, J.M., Martinez, E.A. 2003. Fertility of weaned sows after deep intrauterine insemination with a reduced number of frozen-thawed spermatozoa.
Theriogenology 60:77-87.
Version updates: October 2019, April 2020