United States Department of Agriculture

Agricultural Research Service

National Animal Germplasm Program

Boar Semen Collection and Dilution Protocol
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Boar Semen Processing:

USDA ARS National Animal Germplasm Program

Boar Semen Collection and Dilution Protocol

Semen collection:

Prepare the semen extender (e.g. for Androhep Plus or Androstar mix 1 packet of powdered medium with 1 L of distilled/deionized water, Minitube, Verona, WI) and warm to 37 °C.

Collect the sperm-rich fraction of a boar semen sample using the hand-glove technique or a phantom mount and remove the gel fraction with sterile gauze or a semen filter.

Determine the sperm-rich ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, and the volume of the ejaculate that is needed:

  1. sperm-rich ejaculate volume X sperm concentration = sperm count;

  2. sperm count ÷ 45 billion sperm = sample volume needed by USDA.

NOTE: To meet repository targets, 45 billion cells are needed per boar collection for commercial boars and the entire ejaculate for minor/heritage breed boars; this will be determined by NAGP staff and communicated to the cooperator prior to the collection of the samples. Once determined, dilute the sample as follows:

Dilute the required sperm-rich fraction 1:1 (v:v) with 37 °C semen extender in a 37 °C beaker.

Aliquot the sample into 50 mL centrifuge tubes that are labeled with the name and identification number of the boar.

Cool the sample to 23 °C over 1 hour by placing it on the laboratory bench. The sample must be shielded from light during this time.

Further cool the sample over 1.5 hours by placing it in a 15 °C refrigerator and maintain it at this temperature prior to packaging for delivery. The samples are then at the appropriate temperature for overnight transportation to the repository.


Please see the Impact Shipper Protocol on the Animal GRIN webpage noting the specific temperatures for each species and type of tissue:

https://www.ars.usda.gov/plains-area/fort-collins-co/center-for-agricultural-resources- research/paagrpru/docs/animal/animal-protocols/

Modified November 2019, April 2020

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